The 'Coin Weight Problem' aims to solve the following mathematical problem: Among N coins, one coin has a different weight. with a balance scale, ensure finding the different coin with the fewest number of weighings.
The Problem of Weighing Coins with Balance.
The Catalan Series
The article discusses Catalan numbers, a sequence used in combinatorial problems. It covers their recurrence relation, closed form, and applications in path counting. It provides insights into problem-solving using Catalan numbers.
Some Definitions for Time Complexity.
Give five symbolic and mathematical definitions related to time complexity.
The Master Theorem For Time Complexity
In this article, we will model the time complexity of divide and conquer using mathematical methods, analyze its asymptotic properties, and provide three methods of calculation.
The Bash Game
A pile of stones, two people take turns to take at least 1 stone and at most 2 stones. Whoever gets the last stone loses.
Fast Inverse Square Root
The article introduces an algorithm called Fast Inverse Square Root, which is used to quickly calculate the inverse square root of a floating point number.
How Do Computer Calculate the Log-Function
Moore's Voting Algorithm for Finding Majority Element
Moore's Voting Algorithm is an algorithm used to find the element that appears more than half the time in an array.
A Star Algorithm
A* search algorithm is a path finding algorithm that finds the single-pair shortest path between the start node(source) and the target node(destination) of a weighted graph.
The Knuth Shuffle Algorithm
The Knuth Shuffle algorithm (also known as the Fisher-Yates Shuffle) generates all possible permutations with equal probability.